
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/22 16:23:32

英文名: The Mummy Returns

中文名: 盗墓迷城 | 木乃伊归来:盗墓谜城 | 神鬼传奇2

导 演: ( 斯蒂芬·索莫斯 Stephen Sommers )

主 演: (布兰登·弗雷泽 Brendan Fraser) (蕾切尔·薇兹/蕾切尔·瑞兹 Rachel Weisz) (约翰·汉纳 John Hannah) (阿诺德·沃斯鲁 Arnold Vosloo) (奥德·菲尔 Oded Fehr) (岩石/巨石强森/德威恩·约翰逊 The Rock)


Ardeth Bay: [to Alex] By putting this on, you have started a chain reaction that could bring about the next apocalypse.
Alex: [gasp]
Rick: [to Ardeth] You, lighten up.
[to Alex]
Rick: You, big trouble.
[to Jonathan]
Rick: You, get in the car.
Ardeth Bay: Wherever this man is, your wife will surely be.
[Alex rips the picture out of Ardeth's hands]
Alex: Hey, I know him. He's the curator. He works at the British Museum.
Ardeth Bay: Are you sure?
Rick: You better believe him, he spends more time there then he does at home.
Alex: Hey. The Book of the Dead.

木乃伊归来(The Mummy Returns)