check and balance

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 13:40:05
List 5 examples of "check and balance" in English

1. President can veto any acts of congress
2. congress can override presidential by 2/3 of votes in each houses
3. congress can refuse to provide funds request by presidnet
4. president is the chief of arm force
5. Judicial can declare uncontitutional any acts of president

请用英语列出有“check and balance"的5个例子。
1. I'm going to check my balance in my bank account;
2.This is my check booklet and a balance is $1,250;
3. I paid with a check #1009 for $250,then a balance was $1,000 in my account ;
4. You may go to your bank to check your balance in an acount ;
5. Please check the wheels of your car and they should be balanced .

呵呵,是check the balance 吧,查询余额的意思。


check and balance [简明英汉词典]
(西方政治结构中为防止滥用职权, 在立法、司法、行政三权之间或在政府各部门之间实行相互牵制的)制衡原则