
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 07:19:23
是V生mel c的气么?
还是mel c对V不满?mel c到底是什么态度?总之谁对谁错?
Victoria Beckham has snubbed bandmate Melanie C by failing to show at her solo gig in New York.

Fellow Spice Girls Geri Halliwell, Emma Bunton and Melanie Brown all appeared to cheer on Mel C as she played to a half-empty Manhattan Centre on Saturday.

Posh had been attending New York Fashion Week and her absence adds to speculation that the group are at odds following the cancellation of their reunion tour.

Mel C expressed her displeasure at the tour being cut short, releasing a statement saying: "Melanie would like to make it perfectly clear that at no point has she refused to continue with the Spice Girls Tour.

"She is disappointed that the tour isn't continuing at this stage."

The band have called rumours of a bust up with Victoria "rubbish" but have yet to comment on her absence from

v采用不出席mel c的纽约个人演唱会的方法冷落她的这位旧队友。
辣妹的其他三个成员(名字就不翻了)均在周六mel c对着半空(是指上座率只有一半么?)的曼哈顿中心演奏时出现,向她表示庆贺。(其实上座率只有一半的话也的确没什么可祝贺的)
mel c表达了对于这次旅行草草结束的不满。声明指出:mel十分清楚的表达她的意见是——无论在何种意义上mel都已经拒绝了继续进行辣妹的旅程。(大概是指不想再组成辣妹组合)这句话感觉我翻得不对,如果比照上下文,应该是说mel并不拒绝重组辣妹组合。
这里面也没有说具体的恩怨是在哪里啊。主要意思就是v没有参加mel c的演唱会,可是貌似之前就已经有什么过节了。

是V生mel c的气么?
还是mel c对V不满?mel c到底是什么态度?总之谁对谁错?

Is V angry with mel c or mel c dissatisfied with V? What on earth is mel c"s attitude? Who's wrong after all?

Health mel c V is the gas?
Mel c or dissatisfied with the V? Mel c in the end is what attitude? In short Who is right or wrong?