
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/26 17:48:42
1908年伦敦曾主办第四届奥运会,40年后,世界选手又再次在这里聚会。这是第二次世界大战中断了12年后举行的首届运动会,是奥林匹克运动的新起点。人们在长期的战争中饱尝了家园被毁、亲人死去的痛苦,但在这里又领略了和平和友谊的幸福。第二次世界大战后,不少国家摆脱了殖民统治。它们虽来不及派训练有素的选手参赛,但纷纷应邀参加了这次盛会。本届参赛国家和地区达59 个,这是一个创纪录的数字。运动员共4099人,其中女子385人,男子3714人,也是以往历届所不及的。
中国派出了33名男运动员参加了篮球(10人)、足球(18人)、田径(3人)、游泳(1人)和自行车(1人)共 5个项目的比赛,未能取得名次。其中足球比赛参赛的共有16队,中国队首轮便以0-4负于土耳其队而早淘汰。篮球队在预赛中3胜2负,在落选赛中2胜1负,在全部23队中名列第18。游泳选手、印尼华侨吴传玉在100米自由泳比赛中落选。荷兰华侨、自行车选手何浩华在1000米争先赛中因摔伤而落选。

London has hosted the fourth Olympic Games in 1908, 40 years later, world player had a get-together here again. This is that World War II had cut off the first sports meeting held after 12 years, it is a new starting point of the Olympic Movement. People have suffered enough from the agony that the home destroying, relative dies during the long-term war, but has had a taste of the happiness of the peace and friendship here. After World War II, many countries had got rid of colonial rule. Although they have no enough time to send the well-trained player to participate in the contest, have participated in this gala on invitation one after another. The countries and regions participating in the contest of the present session are up to 59, this is a record-breaking figure. Athletes amounted to 4099 people, among them the number of the woman is 385, the man is 3714, were all previous can't be obtained in the past too.
China has sent 33 sportsmen to participate in the basketbal