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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 16:06:25
()David:Mmm... I like skating and swimming.They're fun.
()TOM:Don't worry.I have two pairs of skates. You can have one of them.
()David:Tom,what do you like doing?
()Tom:You're welcome.
()David:I'd love to,but i don't have any skates.
()Tom:Well,i like making friends and helping people. How about you,David?What are your favourite hobbies?
()David:It's very kind of you,Tom.Thank you very much.
()Tom:I like skating too.My mum goes skating with me every week.Would you like to join this Sunday?
比如答案是12345678 就写123456789 啊 直接写

David:Tom,what do you like doing?
Tom:Well,i like making friends and helping people. How about you,David?What are your favourite hobbies?
David:Mmm... I like skating and swimming.They're fun.
Tom:I like skating too.My mum goes skating with me every week.Would you like to join this Sunday?
David:I'd love to,but i don't have any skates.
TOM:Don't worry.I have two pairs of skates. You can have one of them.
David:It's very kind of you,Tom.Thank you very much.
Tom:You're welcome.