
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/03 07:23:31

Grace is on holiday.
be on holiday 正在休假[去休假]
go on holiday 正在休假[去休假]
blind man's holiday 黄昏, 薄暮(特指上灯前)
busman's holiday 照常工作中的休假日
gone for a holiday [谑]留下空白点(指工作有缺点, 有遗漏); (工作)没做完或没做好
have a holiday 休假, 度假, 放假
make holiday 休假; 休息; 庆祝
Roman holiday 以观看别人受苦为乐的娱乐
take a holiday 休假

Grace is being on leave.

The ambassador is now home on leave.
Soldiers wear mufti on leave, not uniform.
士兵休假时穿便服, 不穿制服.

Grace is on vacation.

Grace is on leave.

Grace is on holiday

Grace is on vacation.