
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 12:48:59
2.1.2 Idioms of plants
中西方文化差异,也体现在植物的寓意上。汉文化把松、竹、梅合称“岁寒三友”,对它们评价特别高,有许多关于它们的成语都是褒义的,如“竹笣松茂”。此成语来源于《诗经•小雅•斯干》中的“如竹笣矣,如松茂矣。” 〔18〕(P856)旧时此成语用于比喻家族兴盛,像松竹那样丛生而繁盛。后来此成语常用作新厝落成或祝寿的颂词。汉语俗语中还有把松柏合在一起歌颂的,如“岁寒知松柏之后凋”,比喻经过考验才显出一个人的品质,此俗语源于《论语•子罕》中的“岁寒,然后知松柏之后凋也。” 〔19〕(P383)而在英语文化中,“松与柏”含有“死亡、哀悼”的语义。例如:Maine Woods中的诗句“A pine cut down, a dead pine, is no more a pine than a dead human carcass is a man.” 〔2〕(P270)莎士比亚在《第十二夜》中也写道“Come away, death, and in sad cypress let me be laid.” 〔20〕(P270)
此外,英语文化对玫瑰赋予丰富的寓意,在古代汉语文化中却很少以玫瑰作比喻。玫瑰是英国国花,1272年后还成为英国王室的一个标记。玫瑰也用来泛指美好的事物,如成语“ a bed of roses”比喻称心如意的境遇、安乐窝。此成语源于古罗马富人以玫瑰撒床。而中国古以牡丹为国花,并由此产生了“国色天香”等成语。

West cultural difference, also manifests in plant's implication. The Chinese culture the pine, the bamboo, Mei He said that “the three cold-resistant friends of winter”, appraise to them specially high, many about theirs idiom are the commendatory meaning, like “bamboo 笣 loose cyclopentadiene”. This idiom originates from "poetry•Xiaoya•Si does" “like the bamboo 笣, like pine luxuriant.” (18) (P856) old times this idiom used in the analogy family being prosperous, looks like the pine and bamboos such to grow thickly, but prosperous. Afterward this idiom often served as the eulogy which placed newly is completed or offers birthday congratulations. In Chinese proverb also has the pine and cypress gathers in the same place eulogizes, if “keeping one's integrity to the end of the year old cold knowledge pine and cypress”, the analogy only then appears a person's quality after the test, this proverb stems from "Confucian analects•Sub-rarely"