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World of our own里Mark唱的一句Took for granted, everything we had as if I would find someone who's just like you前面的那个take for granted就是“把…当成是理所当然的”的意思
其中还有Shane唱的一句说Well, I guess I am ready for settling down and fooling around is over这里的settle down 是安顿下来的意思,而fool around之虚度光阴,胡混

Seasons in the sun里Shane唱的那句Goodbye papa, please pray for me, I was the black sheep of the family, you tried to teach me right from wrong……当中的black sheep就是害群之马的意思

Swear it again里Shane唱的I am glad we are on this one-way street, just you and I当中的one-way street是单行道
还有Shane开头唱的I wanna know whoever told you I was letting go the only joy that I have ever know里面的let sb/sth go指松开或释放…这个短语出现频率相当之高,好多歌里都有

Angel里BB唱的you keep on building the lies that you make up for all that you lack当中make up for sth指的是补偿…弥补…

我们Westlife还有一首歌叫Enough is enough名字就是适可而止的意思

Uptown Girl里Shane唱的那句Uptown girl, you know I cannot afford to buy her pearls, but maybe someday when my ship