
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 15:08:06
Secondary symptoms may include high level cognitive dysfunction and subtle language problems. PD is both chronic and progressive. PD is the most common cause of chronic progressive Parkinsonism, a term which refers to the syndrome of tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia and postural instability. PD is also called "primary parkinsonism" or "idiopathic PD" (classically meaning having no known cause although this term is not strictly true in light of the plethora of newly discovered genetic mutations). While many forms of Parkinsonism are "idiopathic", "secondary" cases where may result from toxicity most notably drugs, head trauma, or other medical disorders.

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附带症状可能包括高层次的认知功能障碍和轻微的语言问题。PD(Parkinson disease帕金森病) 是慢性病而且是渐进恶化的。其最常见的症状包括肌震颤,僵直,运动迟
缓和姿势不稳。PD有时也被称为"原法性帕金森病"或"自发性帕金森病" (其意即未知病发机制,当然严格来说也未必正确,因为近期发现的诸多遗传基因之突变,意味着其病必有其因)。虽然许多形式的帕金森病是"自发性",也有一些是"诱发性"的,其诱因可能是药物中毒,头部受伤,或其他疾病。