
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 15:57:47

one individual always has the answers to our problems.一个人总有有解决我们问题的办法(感觉很怪,所以应该理解为:他总知道解决我们问题的办法)
one is always there when called upon当叫他的时候他总会在那里.
No mortal can deter this individual.这句不好解决,我认为应该是:没有人可以制止这个人(他).或者翻译成:没有人可以替代他!

This person is you!这个人就是你!
You can overcome any obstacle.你可以克服一切困难.

You can overpower any enemy.你可以打败一切敌人.
You can solve any problem.你可以解决任何困难(问题).
You can bypass any restriction.你可以摆脱一切限制.
You can break any barrier.你可以破坏一切障碍.
You can conquer any battle你可以胜利每一场战争.
You can destroy any fortress.你可以摧毁一切堡垒.
You can pass any test.你可以通过一切考验.
You can surpass any master.你可以超越一切领袖.
You can exceed all expectations.你可以超越一切期望.
You can win any game.你可以赢得任何一场比赛.
You can creat a masterpiece.你可以创造一个杰作.
You can make anything work.你可以让一切变得美好.
You can outsmart anybody.你比任何人都有智慧.
You can do the impossible.你可以做不可能做的事.
You influence everyone around you,changing the world fore