
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/07 02:33:15

我觉得,人生应该是积极的,什么有用什么没有用,固然要思考,但是,什么时候我们有能力做什么事情,就先做了再说。先别理有没有用,先把它做到最好,无论 怎么说,什么事情都有他的优点和缺点的。书本上的知识到底有没有用?一定有用的,但是要看我们会不会用。不会用,你就选择工作,另外闯闯。如果懂得运用, 我们就学习,读书。做什么事情,都往积极想,你不积极想又如何,结果只能自己制造烦恼,如果能够积极地冷静下来,好好地做好每一件事,先别理他到底有没有 用,做到最好,到最后,比一事无成,整天怨天尤人,跟爸爸妈妈吵架不是更好吗?一个成功的人,要多做事少说话。而且不怕事情有多糟糕,只想着把事情做得最 好。不管有用没用,你也培养了一个很棒的性格,就是你不怕麻烦,耐性高,不整天怨天尤人,整天努力工作,不是更充实吗? 付出了多少,肯定有收获的,别想这么长远,把当下的事情,无论什么事情做好,每一件都做好,那么你的一生已经很成功, 加油!

In my opinion, being a human should be always optimistic. What things we are doing is useful or unuseful must to be planed. However, sometimes the things if we can do it, we do it first. Don’t consider is that useful or unuseful, just try your best to do it. There is the fact that anything we have done has its advantage and disadvantage, is the knowledge in the book useful? It definitely useful, but rely on do you have any ability to use it. If we can’t exert, we should find other ways t

In my opinion, living should always be optimistic. We need to think what is useful and what is useless. But, when we have the ability to finish something, we should finish it first no matter what. Is the knowledge from the textbook useful? It has to be, but it depends on if we know the right way to use it also. If we don’t know how to use the knowledge from the textbooks, we should take our advantage on whatever we are good at. And spend our time on that instead of studying something that you know you are never going to get it. But if we do know, we should study hard. No matter what we do, we should be positive. Being negative only makes you feel worse and make up more problems. So calm down and put effort in all the things that need to be done, and stop worrying about how much benefit you could get from it. Don’t you think that it would be much more successful then do nothing but complain about everything and fight with