to look for effects of fragmentation,proximity to developed edge, and the non-native Argentine ant

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 14:33:48
The distribution of non-ant arthropods was examined in 40 urban habitat fragments in coastal San Diego County, California, USA, to look for effects of fragmentation, proximity to developed edge, and the non-native Argentine ant
中的to look for effects of fragmentation, proximity to developed edge, and the non-native Argentine ant怎么翻译

to look for effects of fragmentation,proximity to developed edge, and the non-native Argentine ant 寻找分散效果,接近发达的优势,在非本土大洲阿根廷
The distribution of non-ant arthropods was examined in 40 urban habitat fragments in coastal San Diego County, California, USA, to look for effects of fragmentation, proximity to developed edge, and the non-native Argentine ant