
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/08 02:24:40

用餐时,上臂和背部要靠到椅背,腹部和桌子保持约一个拳头的距离,两脚交叉的坐姿最好避免。记得要抬头挺胸着吃,在把面前的食物送进口中时,要以食物就口,而非弯下腰以口去就食物. 如果是谈话,可以拿着刀叉,无需放下。不用刀时,可用右手持叉,但若需要作手势时,就应放下刀叉,千万不可手执刀叉在空中挥舞摇晃,也不要一手拿刀或叉,而另一支手拿餐巾擦嘴,也不可一手拿酒杯,另一支手拿叉取菜。要记住,任何时候,都不可将刀叉的一端放在盘上,另一端放在桌上。

There is a Chinese phrase called "Minsishiweitian" This shows that diet in the eyes of the status of the Chinese people, Chinese people will be eating as a priority. Chinese cuisine dishes on color, smell and taste, shape, Italy and taste, and even more than the focus on nutrition, as long as delicious but also good-looking, it is important the nutrition. Western diet compared with the stresses and absorb nutrition, the diet is a scientific concept. Westerners more focus on the food's nutritional food and ignore the color, smell and taste, shape, How, most of their diet and health in order to survive, it seems that no attention to the enjoyment of taste.

In the restaurant atmosphere, the Chinese people like to eat when they are busy, a lot of people eat drink together Wai, Shuishuixiaoxiao, everyone together to create a lively atmosphere for a warm meal. Unless it is in a very formal banquet, the Chinese people have nothing on the table and very special cer