求disney 制片人名单和介绍?谢谢

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 14:25:05

Bill Anderson, a longtime Walt Disney producer whose credits included the movie ``Old Yeller'' and the ``Zorro'' television series, died from a hemorrhage suffered in a fall.

Anderson, a member of the Disney board for 24 years, died Dec. 28 at the Clift Hotel in San Francisco. He was 86.

In 44 years with the studio, Anderson produced 58 half-hour episodes of ``Zorro.'' For television's weekly ``The Wonderful World of Disney,'' he produced such shows as ``The Swamp Fox,'' ``The Scarecrow of Romney Marsh Romney Marsh (rŭm`nē), region, c.70 sq mi (180 sq km), Kent, SE England, extending c.9 mi (15 km) inland. A former coastal marsh, the region has been wholly reclaimed to provide fertile pastureland. Romney Marsh sheep are well known.,'' ``Texas John Slaughter'' and ``Johnny Shiloh.''

Anderson was an associate producer of the 1957 film ``Old Yeller,'' a classic tale abou