
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 04:39:53

First, the afforestation has provided many useful raw materials and the thing for people's life and the industry and agriculture production. If is eating the aspect, has each kind of fragrant tasty fruit; Has tea which fragrant four overflow; Also has on the nutritious body's yaupon's fruit of the glossy privet, tasty delicious, the clear lung breathes heavily evenly gingko and so on precious raw material for medicine. Is using the aspect, does the construction, the mining coal, the transportation, makes the vehicles, the ships, the ruler machine, builds a bridge, the wharf, the papermaking and so on needs the lumber. For instance, constructs 1000 square meter composite structures the house to need the lumber 130 cubic meters; Mines 1000 tons coals, needs 22 cubic meters mine timbers. In the agricultural production, the massive farm tools which we use also cannot leave the lumber.
Next, the afforestation may provide the oxygen for the humanity, the scavenging air,