should I live for myself or for others? why?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 04:25:28
for the first 30 years i lived and worked for others.
now i am tired, i hate to serve others. i want to
retire and get good for the next 40 years,i
think i would enjoy myself and live for myself.i
would do what i like. to the hell with others!

Should I live for myself or for others? why?

I think that I should live both for myself, and for others. I should live for myself because when it comes down to it, the person you can depend on most in this world is yourself. The person you can trust the most is also yourself. Therefore you should live for yourself, because it's the one person who you "know" best.

However, you should also live for others, because you can't live life being a selfish person. You have to constantly consider other people's feelings, and you have to care about other people. Also, other people care about you too, so you have a right to live for them. For example, when you are extremely in love with someone, you might find that you're living for them.

Therefore, my opinion is that while you're living for yourself, you should also live for other people.


you should live for yourself but never