
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/14 01:35:05
,语文飘呼不定,85~100不等,怎办?我发现就是选择和作文不定选则15~27分,作文38~45分.还有阅读产生了畏难.如和练阅读和作文呢?小阅读也不定从5~12,大阅读也不行,最多7分.英语是最受紧张影响的有时听力19.5 有时27,阅读通常匆忙读完D篇,还没读到E.如和提速.所为圈读法能说一下吗.从86~105不等.作文呢?数学上学期每次都80多,就是前头70分失分,和后头立几不会.这学起我前头能拿50~55,立几会找二面角了,但真正区里还没考过试,不知能否到100.理宗我化学不错85左右,生物选择真是不定,有时4个都对,有时四个都错,自策基本错一个.后头就看情况了.物理就光,原子,热,波,万有这五提能得满分,后头的3到选择也没脯.大提的第一到全分,第二提有时都会,有时就会一问.最后一到不是我做的.而实验原里都会,却拿不着多少.这些都是为和,请好心人帮帮我.还是那如题 为何高三感觉分提不高了.请问就我这情况应如何调整.谢了.我上学期末461,4300/11971,进一本了.但老师说那次难了,要真考试我很失利.我觉的我在二本边愿.但我现在就不知怎么学了,感绝就那样,提不高了,是不是题海整的我呢?写到着,我突然想到是不是选则题太关键了对于我.


A sunlight bright weekend, Sam and Tom go to the store to go shopping, when they felt when some yearning for buy a drink, has discovered a thief suddenly. He is looking around in all directions, thinks nobody, then has put in bottle of milks the pocket, then leaves the store hurriedly.
He arrives at buses and so on station, he did not know that SAM and TOM have discovered his matter.
SAM and TOM told immediately this matter female police, they tell her vehicles and so on thief street opposite.
Female police the hurried past have held the thief, prepared to deliver him the police station, the thief has cried, SAM and TOM smiled.