
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 19:18:45
还有前面提到过的从事一般贸易 的外贸企业在人民币升值中受到的影响较大。当人民币随着美元一起贬值时,国内廉价的劳动力能够以更低廉的价格出口,并在国际商品市场上获得优势。但我国经 济的对外依存度已经达到60%,这意味着我国经济发展需要依靠外需拉动。如果人民币升值,外贸企业的竞争力下降,创利能力下降,这些企业的还贷能力自然就 减弱,从而可能导致银行坏账增加。


2004年有200多亿元没有外贸背景的国外资金流入国内,来自央行的最新统计也表明,6个月来个人结汇意愿明显增强。在人民币升值战役中,这些源源不 断涌入的海外“热钱”才是对我国经济最具破坏性的因素。当海外“热钱”抽出国内时,原先虚假“繁荣”的资产将很快缩水,后果一是令大量投资者破产,导致银 行面临巨大坏账风险;二是银行抵押资产缩水,令银行收益面临损失。

因此,有关专家建议,一方面外贸企业要转变生存策略,提高产品附加 值,不再仅以“低价”优势吸引海外市场;另一方面,银行需要开发更多的用于汇率避险的金融衍生产品,如外汇远期业务,通过这些业务锁定企业外汇浮动风险。 同时,为了避免汇率调整后的坏账急剧增加,国内银行应该高度警惕那些以人民币计价、出现非理性“泡沫”的资产行业,包括以这些资产作为抵押物的贷款。


The influence been engaged in the outside 贸 business enterprise of general trade to be subjected to in renminbi the appreciation still there ising front to once speak of is bigger.When renminbi depreciates together along with USD, the domestic cheap labor force can with cheaper price export, and acquire advantage on the international commodity market.But our country through benefit of outward depend on to save a degree have already attained 60%, this means our country the economic development need to depend on outside need to pull to move.If renminbi revalues, the competition ability of outside 贸 business enterprise descends, creating a benefit ability to descend, these business enterprises return a loan ability nature to die down, may cause the bank bad 账 increment thus.
Expert just as point out while analyzing a real estate industry risk of similar, once renminbi revalues, a great deal of"hot money" will take out to escape a funds after attaining the target, by tha