
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 14:23:29
快餐连锁店(fast-food chains),如麦当劳,肯德基,必胜客等,在美国十分普遍,也十分受欢迎,因为许多人想在做饭,吃饭上尽量少花时间。

"Time is money," the Americans said, "in this life you have so much time, or make good use of the best." In the United States, people admire the efficient, orderly person (well-orpanized), which is the thing to do enumerated, and formulated a plan put in place people. In this country, an ideal person to be on time, punctual about time, not to waste other people's time.
Fast-food chain (fast-food chains), such as McDonald's, KFC, Pizza Hut, very common in the United States, is also very popular, as many people would like to cook, eat as little as possible to spend time on.
Americans like - means of communication. Their use of the telephone, e-mail and the Internet to do business, they held a conference call handling, but also access to various kinds of information via the Internet. In short, they want to use every minute worthwhile.