
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/26 01:05:14
是有关物业管理方面的,国外的,书籍做参考文献!知道的给几个 最少3个呀 谢谢

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  The Strategic Impact of Internet Technology in Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Firms: Insights from a Knowledge Management Perspective
  Angel Salazar, Ray Hackney and Jeremy Howells
  ...their ability to produce new products. Hence, knowledge production and intellectual property management provide a strong foundation for emerging, successful e-commerce strategies. The...

  Information Technology and Management, Volume 4, Numbers 2-3 / 2003年4月
  PDF (6.1 KB)

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  Comparing the Profitability of Organic and Integrated Crop Management
  An analysis of apple and peach growing in Italy
  Carlo Pirazzoli, Nicola Stanzani, Alessandro Palmieri, Roberta Centonze and Maurizio Canavari
  ...Italy. A comparison between the two production techniques within a static farm management framework is discussed. Production costs and profits are estimated for two case...
