describe a job you would like to do in the future

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/11 06:52:27

The ideal job first and foremost fun. If we do not do what is fun than why do it at all? That is not to say that life is all about having fun but rather to say that the ideal job needs to serve a inner purpose of contribution to society in some way. It does not matter what the job is or how that job is perceived by others. What matters is the feeling that you are in control and are empowered over your own stake in life.

The ideal job can be entrepreneurial or it can be working for another. If the job is working for someone else, then the ideal situation is when the employer empowers their employees to make real decisions and control their destiny. Moreover, the ideal job manifests our true talents and abilities for the greater good.

The ideal job is also, I beleive, collaborative in nature. We as humans are social beings and we crave interaction with each other. Most of us long to be accepted as a member of the team. Jobs which include a "we're all in