求Meadows Of Heaven Meadows of Heaven 歌词 翻译

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/19 21:48:33
I close my eyes, the lantern dies
The scent of awakening, wild honey and dew
Childhood games, woods and lakes
Streams of silver, toys of olden days

Meadows of Heaven
Meadows of Heaven

Lands of wonder and of hidden treasures
In the meadow of life, my acre of Heaven
A five-year-old winter heart in a place called home
Sailing the waves of past

Meadows of Heaven
Meadows of Heaven
Meadows of Heaven
Meadows of Heaven

Rocking chair without a dreamer
A wood and a spring without laughter?
Sandbox without toy soldiers
Yuletide without the flight
Dream down for her

Flowers wither, treasures stay hidden
Until I see the first star-fall
I fall asleep and see it all
Mother`s care and colour of the kites

Meadows of Heaven
Meadows of Heaven
Meadows of Heaven
Meadows of Heaven
Meadows of Heaven
Meadows of Heaven
Meadows of He

I close my eyes, the lantern dies 轻闭双眼 华灯渐淡

The scent of awakening, wild honey and dew. 令人清醒的香气 那是蜂蜜与露水的味道

Childhood games, woods and lakes, 儿时的游戏 流连在林边与湖畔

Streams of silver, toys of olden days. 银色的清泉 昔日的心爱玩具

Meadows of Heaven.
Meadows of Heaven.

The flowers of wonder and the hidden treasures, 惊喜之花 隐秘之宝藏

In the meadow of life, my acre of Heaven. 在我生命的牧场 在我天堂的领地

A five-year-old winter heart in a place called home 五岁严鼕的心在这叫做家的地方

Sailing the waves of past. 航行在往昔的大海之上

Meadows of Heaven.
Meadows of Heaven.
Meadows of Heaven.
Meadows of Heaven.

Rocking chair without a dreamer, 空荡荡的摇椅上已没有勒那个造梦的人

A wooden swing without laughter. 木质的秋千上 没有勒欢笑声

Sandbox without toy soldiers, 沙箱裏面 那些玩具兵也已消逝

Yuletide without the flight. 圣诞季节 也不是那个有囬归的侯鸟在天空中飞过的季节勒

Dreambound for life. 那些有梦想的年纪呵

Flowers wither, treasures stay hidd