
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 07:50:24

In China, the processing trade since the reform and opening up since the rapid development, is now more than general trade to become China's major trade, in the foreign economic and trade in a very important position. In the processing trade in China's economic development is the active role played by other trade irreplaceable, but at the same time, we should also clearly see that China's processing trade faced by some of the issues and challenges. From the challenges of WTO rules, China's current management challenges, and our own development conditions, as well as overseas processing trade challenges facing the challenges of this series will become a constraining China's processing trade development. China's processing trade should seize opportunities, meet challenges, and the corresponding policy adjustments, China's processing trade have better development. In this paper the development of China's processing trade analysis of the challenges faced,