
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 06:24:04
这样的美景吸引了很多游客慕名而来.当然也不全是为了风景,也有很多电影作品也在这里诞生,比如<金刚>(KING.KONG),比如<纳尼亚传奇>(The Chronicles of Narnia),再比如<怪物史莱克>(Shrek),最值得一提的是好莱坞有史以来最大制作<指环王>(The lord of the Rings)三部曲,他的前两部共获得了6项奥斯卡奖.

New Zealand is a small country situated in the South Pacific Ocean with a population of about 4 million.It consists of two principal islands, the North Island and the South Island, full of scenic contrasts which will definitely take any visitor’s breath away. The natural features of both islands include rolling hills, beautiful lakes, golden beaches and mountains cloaked in forest. The country is mostly hilly, with some peaks covered with snow most of the year, but more than half of its land is suitable for farming and animal husbandry.

New Zealand has a temperate climate, neither too cold in winter nor too hot in summer. As it is an island country, it’s humid all year round. Sometimes, a wisp of cloud comes with a spell of rain. So it’s better to take an umbrella when you go out. New Zealand is renowned for the pristine, natural beauty of its environment beyond compare. Many people regard it as the last piece of clean land on the earth. Due to its geographical isolation