
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 23:27:56

The world's most widely circulated to several Olympic rings logo, with the development of the Olympic movement, it has become a culture of the Olympic spirit and the image of representatives of the five ring "to" go, the Olympic movement to take root where flowering.

Speaking of the origins of rings, we have had such an interesting story. 1936 Berlin Olympic Games of the 11th the first time held the torch relay, the torch transmission line from Olympia, Greece from the north exit, along the Danube through Austria, the last to enter Germany. In order to heighten the symbolic significance of this activity, the Olympic Games Organizing Committee Chairman Carl • Dimu and his colleagues almost entirely in accordance with the ancient Olympic Games to the scene along the layout of the ancient Greek ruins. The torch arrived Deerfeimo SARS Hill, the ancient stadium at a special ceremony to be held and when that happens, Dimu whimsical turns, in about three fee