请以focus/light/compliment/tear sb down/feel at ease/get a

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 18:29:18
请以focus/light/compliment/tear sb down/feel at ease/get a

word in/base...on...造句与用法?+20

1> I can't focus my attention on anything today.
(focus sth. on sth.集中于某事物)
The focus on my camera isn't working properly.
2> Let's light a fire in the living-room tonight.(点亮)
the light of the sun (光线)
a light room(明亮的)
a light color(浅色的)
The coat is light but very warm. (轻的)
3> I complimented her on her skillful performance.
(compliment sb. on sth.)
One likes to hear compliments on one's appearance.(名词)
4> They are tearing down the old houses to build a new block.
(说明一下,一般都用tear sth. down没有tear sb. down)
5> I never feel at ease in his company.
(feel at ease 感到舒适而无任何忧虑)
6> Never get a word in!
(get a word in 在别人谈话时插嘴)
7> This novel is based on historical facts.
(base on 以某事物为另一事物的证据根据)