
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 04:00:22
是《人生四喜》(虽然有点称不上是诗 呵呵)内容是
久旱逢甘霖 他乡遇故知 洞房花烛夜 金榜题名时
有点小小的要求 第一句可以有LCUKY的意思 第二句与FRIEND有关系
第三句,OF COURSE是love了 最后一句要与success关系啊
谢了 有点难度 希望大家帮帮忙啊
谁翻译的好 一定有追加分数表谢意
a word has out ,four horses can‘t catch 呵呵

Four Happy Time of Life

Raining while suffered from drought for a long time.
Coming across an old friend while you are abroad.
Getting married with your beloved.
Getting the offer from a company or school.