
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/29 01:44:27

传播学院 广播电视新闻学专业
指导教师 XXX

【摘 要】自2005年湖南卫视举办的《超级女声》造就了“平民狂欢盛宴”的巅峰后,为提高收视率,各大电视台迅速跟进,极尽模仿这类新兴的娱乐节目模式,中国由此掀起了一股热播平民选秀节目的浪潮。作为一种新的电视娱乐节目模式,选秀节目以其独特的魅力吸引着广大观众的目光。也正由于它的广泛影响力,它的一举一动都是人们评议的焦点。众多国人对它的讨论,褒贬不一。与此同时,由于跟风办所造成的恶性复制,它逐渐向恶俗秀演变,对选秀节目等平民化娱乐节目的是非争议也变得更加激烈。平民化娱乐节目未来的发展之路也开始成为了我国电视人深思的问题。

Since 2005, Hunan Satellite TV, the "Voice of Super Girls" created "civilian Carnival Feast" the pinnacle, and to improve ratings, major television stations quickly moving up and imitate the best of these new entertainment model, which set off China a draft programme of a popular wave of civilians. As a new kind of television entertainment mode, the draft programme with its own unique charm to attract a large number of audience's attention. Precisely because of its extensive influence, and its every move is the focus of council people. Many people discuss it, mixed. At the same time, due to follow suit by the Office of the vicious reproduction, it gradually evolved to Esu-on programs, and other civilian draft of the non-controversial entertainment has become more intense. Entertainment civilians of the road to the future development of our country has started to become a television people thought.