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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/26 05:28:05
摘 要: 开关稳压电源简称开关电源(Switching Power Supply),因电源中起调整稳压控制功能的器件始终以开关方式工作而得名。它是利用现代电力电子技术,通过控制开关管通断的时间比率来维持输出电压稳定的一种电源,具有体积小、重量轻、功耗小、效率高、纹波小、噪音低、智能化程度高、易扩容等优良特性,广泛应用在诸如计算机、彩色电视机、程控交换机、摄像机、VCD、电子游戏机等电子设备上。随着电力电子技术的发展,特别是大功率器件IGBT和MOSFET的迅速发展,将开关电源的工作频率提高到相当高的水平,使其具有高稳定性和高性价比等特性,因此,开关电源将逐渐取代使用工频变压器的线性稳压电源,研究开关电源的原理和发展趋势对推动电力电子技术的发展具有重要意义。
关键词: 开关电源 发展趋势 开关稳压电源 电力电子技术 大功率器件 MOSFET 线性稳压电源 控制功能 优良特性 Power

Abstract: Switching Power Supply short Switching Power Supply (Switching Power Supply), due to power supply control function to adjust the regulator to switch devices that work consistently named. It is the use of modern power electronics technology, by controlling the switching-off time of the ratio of the output voltage to maintain a stable power supply, a small size, light weight, small power consumption, high efficiency, small ripple, low noise, intelligent a high degree of easy expansion and other excellent features, such as wider use of computers, color television sets, program-controlled switches, cameras, VCD, video games and other electronic devices. With the development of power electronics technology, especially high-power MOSFET and IGBT devices of the rapid development of the switching power supply will work to improve the high frequency levels to a high stability and cost-effective features, therefore, switches Power will gradually replace the use of the linear frequen