
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/06 17:25:16
本文介绍了第三方物流仓储管理的入库管理、出库管理、库位管理和运输管理及人员管理,车辆管理,任务调度。实现了系统增、删、改、查以及打印、图示等功能,同时以需求分析为出发点,结合第三方物流仓储管理的理论知识,进行了较详细的系统分析和系统设计,并对整个系统实施的状况及配置要求做了介绍。本物流管理系统运用B/S模式、JSP开发环境及工具通过Web发布服务。以SQL Server2000做为后台数据库。系统界面美观大方,操作方便,运行安全可靠,第三方物流企业可以参考借鉴。

With the modern logistics industry in China's development, the role of third-party logistics increasingly being taken seriously, Although China has a number of enterprises engaged in logistics, but the organization of the scientific nature, various elements of convergence and collaboration standardized, service function of the diversity and quality of service lacking, worthy of further study and practice. As a third-party logistics are key links warehouse management and transport management has been attached great importance to entrepreneurs, In modern logistics management science to flourish under the circumstances, both the role has been has been a qualitative and quantitative changes, Although the adjustment of production and demand of the original function has not changed. However, as the height of information technology development and computer knowledge in a wide range of commercial applications. warehousing and transport sectors has been more and more information technolo