
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 23:44:19
白虎是孟加拉虎的白色变种,原产于中国云南及缅甸、印度、孟加拉等地。野生白虎已经灭绝,现存白虎均为人工繁殖。白虎象征着威武和军队,所以古代很多以白虎冠名的地方都与兵家之事有关, 白虎一般出现在画像石墓的墓门上,或与青龙分别作为单独画像刻在墓室的过梁两侧,用以辟邪。


Shaven white tiger is Bangladesh variant originating in China's Yunnan and Myanmar, India, Bangladesh and other places. Wild white tiger has become extinct, existing Shaven are artificial propagation. Shaven and a symbol of a mighty army, so many ancient title to the white tiger parts and military point of the matter, Shaven typically found in the portrait Shimu Mumen, or landmarks as separate portraits carved on the tomb of both sides of the beam for the evil spirits.