
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 12:38:52
英语里还常用一些珠宝的颜色来指代 一些具体的颜色。这是因为在中世纪,欧洲与东方的贸易迅速发展,来自阿拉伯、 波斯等地的 珍宝大量流入英国上流社会,它们的名称以及它们耀眼、迷人的色泽也随之溶入了英语相关的词语之中。如" rubby "本义为红宝石, 引申为"鲜 红色"; "supphire"本义为蓝宝石,引申为“鲜蓝色”;“amethyst "本义为 紫晶石,引申为"鲜紫色";"coral"本义为珊瑚,引申为"红色"; "beryle"本义为绿柱石, 引申为"绿色"等等。英语里也有从花名引申出颜色的词语。在语法上起着一种修辞上的夸张和联想作用, 以表达作者的 思想感情。 如托马斯•哈代(Thomas Hardy) 所著《德伯家的苔丝》中,作者用"Peony "(牡丹)来形容苔丝的嘴,"Her mobile peony mouth"。"Peony "在这里除了代表红色以外,还含有"丰韵" 的意思。“红 而丰韵的嘴唇"表达了作者对女主人公的赞美之情。

Often, some colors of jewelry can indicate some specific colors in English. This is because that in medieval times, the trade between Europe and the east expanded quickly, so a large amount of jewelry from Arab, Persia, ect flew into the upper reaches of England and the names of those jewelry and their dazzling and charming colors into relevant words in English as well. For instance, "rubby" means red jewelry originally, which has a rich interpretation of the color "scarlet"; "supphire" supphire blue jewelry originally, then a rich interpretation of the color "amparo blue"; "amethyst" purple jewelry originally, then a rich interpretation of "amparo purple"; "coral" coral originally, then a rich interpretation of "red"; and "beryle" davidsonite originally, then a rich interpretation of the color "green" and so on. There are also words richly interpreted from flowers in English. These