
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 21:04:57

I sent you an email via Yahoo mailbox yesterday but I did not understand why it failed to send across to you. Sorry about that. I am using Google mailbox to send the email to you today again. Have you received the email I sent ?

I'm sorry that I sent to you yesterday by Yahoo Mail, but I don't know why it failed. So I resent to your today via Google Mail, have you got it?

I used Yahoo's mailbox to issue you with yesterday , why sending has failed , coy not to know but. Therefore I use grain song mailbox to get rich again today give you. Do you have Email receiving my hair?

I'm sorry that the mail I sent with my e-mail box on Yahoo failed to reach you yesterday, So i resent it with my e-mail box on google. Have you received my mail?