Discuss Euthanasia.What are the pro and cans?In your opinion is it right or wrong?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 02:02:51


Euthanasia is the act of killing someone painlessly, especially someone suffering from an incurable illness.

Euthanasia is humane because it helps the death of terminally ill patients; It is unnecessary to maintain life artificially if a person can never regain his consciousness; To extend an incurably ill patient’s life is to aggravate his pain; Mercy killing is motivated by love and sympathy for the dying patient; Most of the terminally ill patients themselves want to die with dignity rather than continue to live in agony。

It is inhumane to terminate one’s life when he/she is still alive; Anyone who voluntarily, knowingly or premeditatedly takes the life of another is a killer; Legalized euthanasia will invite abuse of human life because any form of murder may be conveniently dubbed “mercy killing” by unscrupulous people; Doctors should do everything they can to save dying patients instead of hastening t