英文高手帮忙啊 水平有限 帮忙翻译下

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 08:33:21
根据认知语言学的研究成果, 人类的认知过程和认知方法是相同的, 在不同的语言中可以发现一些相似性。这是不同语言的民族可以进行交流的基础。例如, 在英语中有head of am atch, head of an arrow , head of a bed , 在汉语中和它们相对应的是“火柴头”,“箭头”,“床头”。除此之外, 也有一些目的语中的句子和源语的形式一模一样。正由于此, 有些人对直译情有独衷, 认为这样能够保留原文的风格。而事实上, 形式对等的译文风格并不一定能够保证产生对等的意义, 而遣词造句中与原文功能对等的适当偏离则会使译文更具有可读性。

这是因为语言的深层意义与基本意义之间往往有一定的差异, 也就是说, 通常存在着折射性的转向或隐喻化过程。在翻译过程中, 译者通常使用文化移入模式。请看下面的例子:

(1) Kissinger felt the massive bombing would st raigh tenthe P resident’s hand in Ch ina. (基辛格觉得这场大规模的轰炸会使总统在中国的腰杆子硬一些。)

(2)Cap italism has carried over and great ly intensified th isfeudalist ic d og 2eat2d og element in social relat ionsh ip. (资本主义把封建社会中那种人吃人的关系保留下而且大大加强了它。)
(3) 亚洲四小龙: 经济发展以及全球政治经济。(T he Fou rA sian T ig ers: Econom icDevelopment and the Global Po lit icalEconomy.
以上例句中的译文均有不同程度的错位, 实际上, 即使在原文中也同样存在错位, 也就是说能指并不指称原来的所指,在隐喻化的过程中, 能指和所指之间已经发生了偏离, 但是在目的语中与之对应的词汇意义的偏离方向可能不一致。因此,要找到与之意义相一致的字眼, 不可避免地就要与原词发生偏离。这种偏离反映了语言的异质性和语言形式的无限变异,而这些变异是语言

According to the results of research on cognitive linguistics, the course of mankind's understanding and awareness is the same, in different languages can find some similarities. This is different from the national language can be the basis of the exchange. For example, in English in the head of am atch, head of an arrow, head of a bed, in Chinese and in their relative should be a "Huo Chaitou", "arrow", "bedside." In addition, there are also some target in the source language and sentence in the form of the same. Precisely because of this, some people on the literal translation Qingyouduzhong that this can retain the original style. In fact, the form of style, and so asked to ensure that does not necessarily have equal significance, and the wording and syntax of the original features, such as the right to deviate from asked to bring in more readable.

This is because the language of deep meaning and basic significance often have some dif