
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 06:35:30
在这种背景下,整个汽车界面临的销量业绩增长的压力越来越大,竞争的领域已经由产品、价格、渠道、营销竞争,逐渐扩大到汽车售后服务领域。面对日益激烈的“服务竞争”,售后服务的方方面面则更成为各个汽车企业必需探讨的议题。 而本论文是通过对整个汽车行业售后服务的状况入手,以一汽大众—奥迪公司为切入点,来阐述售后服务对于整个汽车行业的影响力和客户满意度的关联性。

关键词 :汽车 售后服务 服务竞争

With the service industries in the global scope of the rapid development of some developed countries have entered the service economy era. At the same time, many manufacturers are faced with "competitive", the Centre has competition from competitive products to expand the area of services, "clients" of the role more and more attention to enterprises, service has entered the field of "user needs Guidance "of the times, after-sale service work to become more and more attention to the production sectors of the field. After-sales service management and work to improve after-sales service, as advanced management ideas and means of quality control, market research, human resources and process standards, and so effectively together, making enterprises to lower costs and greater efficiency in all directions Meet customer needs, ultimately can firmly grasp the business continued to carry the value of customer groups.
China's automobile manufacturing ind