
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 00:55:07
1.Economic refugees fleeing from Europe were welcomed as colonists in these settler states, reputed for their perseverance and enterprising spirit

2.They brought to these ‘empty’ territories the labour power required to valorize vast new tracts of natural resources.

3.But the notion of industrialization as the handmaiden of urbanization is no longer tenable.

1.经济难民从欧洲出逃被欢迎了,作为殖民在这些移居者状态, 以他们的坚持不懈和进取精神而驰名.
2.他们带来了给这些` 空的' 疆土辛苦力量必需规定价格自然资源浩大的新短文。