
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 13:19:07
摘 要
当前,我国的上市公司正在步人财务风险高发阶段,一些企业为实现超常规发展,大比例借贷经营,在财务危机暴发后恶性循环形成资不抵债濒临破产的局面,使国民经济面临严峻挑战。在市场经济条件下, 财务风险是企业自始至终都需面临的一种客观事实。随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立, 特别是在加入WTO后, 企业面对的资本市场以及所处的法律、税收等外部环境均已发生了深刻变化, 企业理财环境的变化将导致企业经营面临更大的风险。当前我国上市公司整体状况不容乐观, 对上市公司的财务风险的形成原因及如何防范进行研究,
【关键词】 上市公司 财务风险 风险规避与防范

At present, China's listed companies is one step of the financial risk of high stage, some enterprises to achieve extraordinary development, the large proportion of lending operations, in financial crisis after the outbreak of a vicious cycle of debts the brink of bankruptcy situation, and enable the national economy is facing severe challenges. Under the market economy conditions, the financial risk is the enterprise has the need to face a fact. As the socialist market economic system gradually established, particularly in the accession to the WTO, enterprises face of the capital market and where the legal, tax and other external environment have been profound changes have taken place, enterprise financial management environment will lead to changes in business Face greater risks. China's listed companies can not be optimistic about the overall state of the listed company's financial risks and the reasons for the formation of a study on how to guard again