
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 09:28:25
在幼儿时期,也就是人们常说的早期教育阶段,教育对幼儿起着举足轻重的作用。21世纪的今天,教育的手段也变得更为丰富。本毕业设计主要研究应用Flash Actionscript来开发幼儿教育软件,使幼儿教育也能与时俱进,与时代接轨,这对于如何开发幼儿教育软件具有重要的现实意义。
本毕业设计通过研究幼儿教育软件的发展和现状,以及对国内外幼教软件的比较,探讨了如今幼儿教育软件的精华和糟粕,并对如今中国幼教软件的薄弱和发展误区做出了进一步的总结和归纳。接着又从幼教软件的作用为着手点,分析了幼教软件开发的可行性和必要性。随后提出“幼教软件应该源于生活”这一重要方向,并介绍了应用Flash Actionscript开发幼教软件的优势,并在此基础上,开发了一系列幼儿教育软件,最后展望幼教软件的未来发展,得出应用Flash Actionscript开发幼儿教育软件是未来幼儿教育和教育软件发展的一个重要趋势。




This Graduation Design analyzes the good and bad points of nursery education software by studying the current situation and future development of nursery education software and comparing the condition both here and abroad And this project also summarize and conclude the weakness and irrational strategy. Then after, it analyze the necessity and possibility of nursery education software by studying its usages and points out the important concept “Education Software must Come from Life”. It continuously introduce the advantages of using Flash Action Script as tool to better develop nursery education software and did open up some kinds. At last, the paper looks forward the future development of nursery education software and made the conclusion that it must be a mainstream to use Flash Action Script to develop that kind of softwares.

In baby time, also is the early education stage which the people often
said, educates is playing the pivotal