
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 00:11:44
我是那么的爱你,你却如此待我,是为什么? 难道我在你心里真的就那么不在乎我?你该知道我有多爱你,多放不开你,经过了多少次波折了 我最终还是走向了你,在我心中你永远是第一位的你知道吗?这从来都没改变的事实。我知道你现在已经很难相信了,但是我今天说的每句话都是肺腑的,因为已经走到了这一步我已经没必要再去骗你和骗我自己。


You treat me like this but I love you so much, why? You care me little in your heart? After so much difficulty I stay with you at the end, You must know how love you I am, do you know you always at the top of my heart, it’s an unchanged truth forever. I know it’s hard to let you trust me at this moment, but the words that I said toady are all come from my heart. Because there is nothing could give me a reason to lie to you and myself.
I have been pay out all. I am so sadly that you didn’t cherished it. I love you at now, in future, and forever. Though you had made a choice of leave me, let me cover up all the beautiful memory about the four years we stay each other deeply in my heart,forever.