
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 01:37:13
谁帮我翻一下好不 中译英 太感谢了

China's migrant workers and social system changes during the transition to the special groups, both in their resolve some developed areas of labour shortage, but also alleviate the large number of surplus labor in underdeveloped regions of the employment pressure, for the city's modernization drive has made Outstanding contribution to promoting the growth of the national economy become a new impetus. However, poor working environment, the frequency of accidents and difficult to cure various diseases, migrant workers presents the production and life of a great threat. At the same time, China is the original work injury insurance only covers urban enterprises and institutions of the citizens, as the edge of town population of migrant workers do not enjoy the overwhelming majority of industrial insurance benefits, and then triggered a series of social problems can not be ignored. The increasingly serious problem of migrant workers industrial injury insurance should be decided b