
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 12:00:19
1.我想和负责人谈谈(charge).2.她突然离开没有提出任何理由(renson).3.他对他的妻子态度很可耻(behavior).5.在一间房住一个晚上他们想我付八十镑(charge).6.不应当让见习医生students nurses单独照管医院病房(in charge of).

1.I want to talk with the person who is in charge
2.She suddenly left here without any reasons
3.His behavior to his wife is shameful.
4.They want to charge me eighty pounds for a room one night
5.Shouldn't let a students nurse be in charge of wards alone