
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 10:03:33
1 我属猴
2 他比我早生22小时(他比我大22小时)
3 我的朋友,老师对我也很重要
4 我长大后想当博士生导师
5 最后,我想说“K组”“P组”和“O组”,我们都是朋友,是我们组成了这个伟大的A班。不要因为一场游戏而伤了和气,请大家记住,这仅仅是一场游戏
6 我是天蝎座


I was born under Monkey(in the year of Monkey).
He was born 22 hours earlier than me.
My friends and teachers are important to me as well.
I want to be a ... after I grow up.
Finally,I want to say ,we are all friends.It's we ,that is GroupK,GroupP and GroupO,who make up of the great ClassA. ...
长这么大 这几句还不会翻 真是惭愧啊