
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/22 19:53:20

Event-free survival is calculated when a particular treatment is given that is directed not towards improving survival, but to prevent or delay specific complications of the disease.

Disease-free survival (DFS) denotes the chances of staying free of disease after a particular treatment for a group of individuals suffering from a cancer. It is the percentage of individuals in the group who are likely to be free of disease after a specified duration of time. Disease-free survival rates are an indication of how effective a particular treatment is.

cs中如何让自己的生存率更高些 肺癌现在能治愈吗?何为5年生存率,只有五年的意思吗? 胃癌5年生存率90%是什么意思?我有点混淆意思了,谁给我解释下~~ 一辆小车冲进河里.人从窗户飞出去的生存率是多少? 肿瘤的预后为什么以5年生存率衡量而不是3年或者8年? 我想问问专家,甲状腺乳头状癌要紧吗?手术切除后要如何保养?能否生育?生存率怎样? 我父亲胃癌,切除胃2/3,又进行了6个疗程的化放疗.这算不算严重,生存率占多少 前些天看到军事观察家说毛子坦克的驾驶员生存率低不容易返修。看的出他对俄国坦克有遍见可是这是事实吗? 谁知道免费在线动画和漫画的网址啊?免注册,无病毒的! 谁知道FIFA2000那里有下载(无病毒)