
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 13:00:54
罗伯特·卡帕是匈牙利人,1913年生于布达佩斯.1936年西班牙内战,卡帕在西班牙战场拍摄了一个战士中弹将要倒下场景,这幅使人有身临其境之感的作品以《西班牙战士》、《战场的殉难者》、《阵亡的一瞬间》等标题发表,立刻震动了当时的摄影界. 1937年,日本军国主义发动了对中国的侵略,卡帕拍摄了许多揭露日本侵略军的罪行的照片.1944年,他参加了在法国北部诺曼底的登陆战.1946年,卡帕成立了一个小的摄影协会。1954年,卡帕来到越南战场.不幸误踏地雷身亡 ,享年四十一岁.
1楼的 我早试过GOOGLE翻译机了,它翻译的完全不准!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Robert Capa is a Hungarian born in Budapest in 1913.

In the Spanish Civil War of 1936, Capa took a photo of a soldier who had just been shot and was in the act of falling to his death.

Because of his proximity to the victim and the timing of the capture, this photo gave people a sense of witnessing a battle themselves. This photograph has been published under the names "The Falling Soldier",(阵亡的一瞬间) "Death of a Loyalist Militiaman, Cerro Muriano." (战场的殉难者)


In 1937, the Japanese Imperial Army invaded China. Capa shot many photos containing evidence of the war crimes the Japanese committed.

In 1944, he took part in the D-Day Landing.(二次世界大战的联军登陆战)