“养身莫过于养心” !!! 怎么翻译成英文?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 16:41:11

It's more important to build up your soul than to build up your body.
口语中可以简化成It's more important to build up your soul than your body.


还跟我说:美国英语中的用法,具体为什么,其实不重要,重要的是美国人是这么用的,我们学语言说白了还是死记硬背。也许字典没说清楚,养、锻炼就用build up这个词。但是具体养心怎么说,是build up your soul还是什么,我也不肯定,但是build up your soul比较靠谱一些。

a body care should start with caring one's heart.

To cultivate one's physical health is nothing but to keep one's mental balance.

" it is no more than nourishing heart promoting health "

Mental health is everything which more important than physical health.

Better nourish your soul than nourish your body.