
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/26 08:54:58
Dear Respectful,
I want to tell you that I really want to been relationship with you.Though we've not met before now but it take one thing for two to be together in unity and peaceful life, which I will like to confide in you and also visit you as soon as possible.
I'm Miss Julie Akissi Loukou, Address:Avenue 5 lot 175 Cocody Quaters Abidjan,
Coted'Ivoire West Africa.I hope that you will not be embarrased by my approach.
I will be 28 years old by December 17. I weigh 58kg, I lost my husband Four years ago in the Ivoirien Crisis as he was coming back from one of his business trips in Buake that faithfull day when he was hit by a stray bullet fired by the French troupes it is indeed a sad story.I have an inheritance from my late husband. I amteacher by profession and my husband was an Exporter and Importer in my country my late husband deposited the sum $2.6million us dollar in BANK. Before his death he told me that I should looking for a trustworlthy man

我是 Julie Akissi Loukou小姐,地址: Avenue 5 lot 175 Cocody Quaters Abidjan, Coted'Ivoire 西非.我希望我的到来没有给你带去麻烦. 到12月7日我就28岁了,重58千克。4年前,我丈夫在从Buake到Ivoirien Crisis 的商旅上不幸中弹死亡,那是一个非常伤心的故事。
我从前夫那里得到一些遗产。 我是一个专业讲师,我丈夫从事进出口事务,他生前存了 2,600,000美元在银行。他临死前跟我说,我忠实可靠的男人来帮我把钱转到他的国家进行投资。我希望你能帮我把钱转到你的帐户进行投资,所以我准备去你的国家并和你像家人一样生活在一起。
我理想中的男人必须是忠实、体贴,充满爱和仁慈的基督教徒。我讨厌欺骗和背叛,我不喜欢男人做事拖泥带水,我憎厌酒精。我的爱好:听音乐,读报纸、杂志和小说,看冒险电影,游泳,打网球和室内运动。我喜欢度假。关于年龄: 我不介意我们年纪不同,只要你爱我和对我忠诚。关于语言:我可以用英语和法语说写,我的母语很流利。关于教育:我毕业于Dakar大学经济系。我出生和受教育于在卫理公会派。
请通过这个邮箱联系我 ,以便我们能有所进展。只要你心理有疑问,任何问题都可以问我,因为我真心想和你建立长久关系。
Julie Akissi Loukou,


我很想念朱莉akissi loukou ,地址: Avenue 5很多175科科迪quaters阿比让,