
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 17:16:33

Man was the problem of the eighteenth century; woman is the problem of the nineteenth.

Victor Hugo on Women's Rights - 1875

Here's the text of an article that appeared in the New York Times on April 18, 1875:

The Society for the Improvement of the Condition of Women have sent an address to Victor Hugo appealing to him in the name of right, to lend the aid of his valuable voice. The poet replies in the following characteristic letter:

MESDAMES: I have received your address, which does me honor. I am aware of your noble and legitimate demands. In our society, such as it has been made woman suffers. She is right to claim a better fate. I myself am only a conscience, but I understand your rights, and to obtain them is one of the duties of my life. You are, therefore, not wrong to rely on my good-will and assistance. Man was the problem of the