求助 医疗专业单词 中翻英

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/24 04:48:20
摘要: 目的: 研究双黄连注射液分别与9%氯化钠注射液、维生素C注射液、葡萄糖注射液的配伍稳定性.实验方法: 采用紫外分光光度法, 考察配伍液中黄芩甙的含量变化并检测配伍液不同时间内PH值的变化、观察配伍液外观是否又明显的变化。结论: 双黄连注射液分别与9%氯化钠注射液、5%葡萄糖注射液配伍是稳定的,与维生素C配伍不稳定,与治通天下的粉针配伍不稳定。

Abstract: Objective: Shuanghuanglian Injection with 9 percent sodium chloride injection, the injection of vitamin C, glucose injection of compatible stability. Experimental methods: UV spectrophotometry to study compatibility of Baicalin in Content and compatibility testing of different times within the PH value of the change, observe whether the appearance of compatibility and obvious changes. Conclusion: Shuanghuanglian Injection with 9 percent sodium chloride injection, 5% glucose injection compatibility is stable, and vitamin C compatibility instability, and governance-the injection compatibility instability in the world.

这是翻译: Abstract: Objective: Shuanghuanglian Injection with 9 percent sodium chloride injection, the injection of vitamin C, glucose injection of compatible stability. Experimental methods: UV spectrophotometry to study compatibility of Baicalin in Content and compatibility testing of different times within the PH value of the change, observe whether the ap