
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 15:15:09
2, 国家措施: 温家宝亲临现场指挥救灾,解放军正在尽力挽救.
3, 活动内容:全国人民积极向灾区募捐,我们学校学生纷纷捐款,献上一份爱心,共募集3250元.
4, 你的感受: 只要人人都献出一点爱,世界将更美好.

According to tips to write an essay.
1, the causes of activities: at 14:28 on May 12, 2008 four Chuan Wenchuan area 7.8 earthquake, many houses collapsed, the high number of casualties, the number reached 22,096 people died, many people lack drinking less drugs, homelessness .
2, national measures: Premier Wen Jiabao visit the site to direct disaster relief, the PLA is making every effort to save.
3, activities: the National People's positive donations to the disaster areas, we have contributions to the school students, presented a loving, raising a total of 3,250 yuan.
4, your feelings: As long as everyone is given their love, the world will be more beautiful.